Researchers Found A Multidimensional Universe Inside Our Brain
Neuroscientists have recently released some exciting news that will change the way we look at the human brain. A new discovery has been made revealing that the human brain owns structures and shapes that own up to eleven dimensions. The scientists say that they have found a world that they could never have imagined. Through the usage of Algebraic topology, structures and multidimensional geometric spaces have been discovered in the networks of the human brain. Human brains are estimated to contain an average of 86 Billion neurons, each cell has several connections connecting and expanding in every direction conveying an incredibly vast cellular network that amazingly permits us to think and achieve consciousness.
What neuroscientists have uncovered is the very first geometrical design of neural connections and how they react to different stimuli. WE ARE MUCH MORE THAN WHAT WE ARE TOLD WE ARE In order to show how all human brain cells will adapt themselves in order to carry out extremely complex tasks, scientists have used computer model display methods. In their study, scientists reveal how structures are formed at the same time that they are interlaced in a “unity” that creates a precise geometric structure. One neuroscientist who is the director of Blue Brain Project in Lausanne, Switzerland was interviewed and quoted as saying: “We have found a world that we had never imagined before. We’ve uncovered tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through seven dimensions. However, in some networks, we even discovered structures with up to 11 dimensions.” All neurons within our brain are enabled to interconnect to an adjacent one, in a precise way; in order to form an object with intricate connections. Astoundingly, the more neurons to join in with the clique; the more dimensions that are included to the object. Neuroscience experts have actually carried out tests on real brain tissue to very the findings to be correct. In an interview to WIRED, Ran Levi Aberdeen said this: “The presence of high-dimensional cavities when the brain is processing information indicates that the neurons in the network respond to stimuli in a remarkably organized manner.” “It is as if the brain responds to an inducement by constructing then smashing a tower of multi-dimensional blocks, starting with rods (1D), planks (2D), cubes (3D), and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D, etc. The sequence of activity throughout the brain resembles a multi-dimensional sandcastle that has the ability to materialize out of the sand and then disintegrate.” Professor Cees van Leeuwen, from KU Leuven, Belgium, said in an interview with Wired: “Outside of physics, high-dimensional spaces are commonly used to represent complex data structures or conditions of systems. For example, the state of a dynamical system in state space.” “The space is simply the combination of all the degrees of freedom the system has, and its state represents the values these degrees of freedom are actually assuming.” Proof of this research was published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.
What neuroscientists have uncovered is the very first geometrical design of neural connections and how they react to different stimuli. WE ARE MUCH MORE THAN WHAT WE ARE TOLD WE ARE In order to show how all human brain cells will adapt themselves in order to carry out extremely complex tasks, scientists have used computer model display methods. In their study, scientists reveal how structures are formed at the same time that they are interlaced in a “unity” that creates a precise geometric structure. One neuroscientist who is the director of Blue Brain Project in Lausanne, Switzerland was interviewed and quoted as saying: “We have found a world that we had never imagined before. We’ve uncovered tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through seven dimensions. However, in some networks, we even discovered structures with up to 11 dimensions.” All neurons within our brain are enabled to interconnect to an adjacent one, in a precise way; in order to form an object with intricate connections. Astoundingly, the more neurons to join in with the clique; the more dimensions that are included to the object. Neuroscience experts have actually carried out tests on real brain tissue to very the findings to be correct. In an interview to WIRED, Ran Levi Aberdeen said this: “The presence of high-dimensional cavities when the brain is processing information indicates that the neurons in the network respond to stimuli in a remarkably organized manner.” “It is as if the brain responds to an inducement by constructing then smashing a tower of multi-dimensional blocks, starting with rods (1D), planks (2D), cubes (3D), and then more complex geometries with 4D, 5D, etc. The sequence of activity throughout the brain resembles a multi-dimensional sandcastle that has the ability to materialize out of the sand and then disintegrate.” Professor Cees van Leeuwen, from KU Leuven, Belgium, said in an interview with Wired: “Outside of physics, high-dimensional spaces are commonly used to represent complex data structures or conditions of systems. For example, the state of a dynamical system in state space.” “The space is simply the combination of all the degrees of freedom the system has, and its state represents the values these degrees of freedom are actually assuming.” Proof of this research was published in Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.
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