Russia Debuts Its First Postal Drone, Which Immediately Crashes Into a Wall

Someday, in the future, our skies will be full of whirring machines delivering anything we could ever want or need, from medical supplies to pizzas to the latest item from our Amazon overlords.

That day is not today.

On Monday, Russia's postal service tested a delivery drone in the city of Ulan-Ude, Siberia. Instead, though, the drone crashed violently into the wall of a nearby building, turning the UAV into a mess of jumbled parts.

Russia had announced its plans to start delivering mail via drone. It seems like a smart idea, especially in such a huge country where severe weather often interrupts mail delivery.

Here was the original plan for Monday's test. The US$20,000 drone was supposed to pick up a small package and deliver it to a nearby village, Reuters reports.

Instead the device failed spectacularly, only making it a short distance before crashing into a three-story building. The small crowd gathered to watch the test can be heard uttering expletives, according to Reuters.

No one was injured in the crash, and it didn't do any damage, except to Russia's pride.

"We won't stop with this, we will keep trying," Alexei Tsydenov, the head of the region who was present at the test, told Reuters. "Those who don't risk don't get a result."

And risk they shall. The organizers aren't quite sure what went wrong, but they suspect the 100 or so nearby wifi spots could have had something to do with it.

Russia might have succeeded in meddling in our elections, but, hey, at least our drones work.

This article was originally published by Futurism. Read the original article.

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