This Amazing Video Explains the Complete Universe in Less than Four Minutes

We humans like to create a big deal of things - climate alters, new viruses, the death of our favorite TV characters (guilty). But this magnificent video is here to be reminiscent you that the Universe is actually a pretty simple place, and can be explain in its entirety in less than 4 minutes.

And all that bullsh*t you're feeling bad about today doesn't even get a talk about, so presently chill out, okay?

Sure, this efficient breakdown of all that exists, ever, by You Tuber exurb1a might be completely apathetic and even a little bit bigot at times (dude, get over your ex girlfriend by now), but it's also hilarious and surprisingly perceptive.

Who would have thought that the Universe and all the physics that govern it in fact kind of create sense?

The whole thing start with the "Tyrion Lannister of physics", also recognized as the Planck Length, which is the negligible thing you can sensibly talk about (as far as we know).

Then we get together the subatomic particles, counting neutrinos, a bunch of quarks, before creation our way on to atoms. All in the first 25 seconds.

From there you'll get to know the majority of the usual suspects - the periodic table, the four forces of physics, and the typical Model.

But by that point we're by now a minute and a half down so we'd improved move on to life, and I don't want to give too a great deal away about this one, but let's now say you'll never be able to say DNA in your head once more after watching.

hen we've got cells, tissues, the human species, and all that high-quality stuff that makes up our world. Zoom out a little further, and you're look down at Earth. Hello, you're at the halfway mark, and we've presently made it into space.

Next up, exurb1a take us through our Solar System and its eight planets (sorry Pluto) previous to explaining the Sun's imminent rage quit and the big black hole at the center of our galaxy.

From here, things get actually attractive, because there's a whole Universe out there to explore and, guess what, we haven't even got in progress on time or those little starry wombs called Nebulae.

So sit back, relax, and test out the video above to give yourself a thorough dilapidated of our Universe. By the end of it you'll feel much extra knowledgeable, and will fully grasp how little our tiny, insignificant lives stuff. Trust me, it feels good.

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